The buildup of unwanted bacteria can lead to itching, irritation, unusual odor, and abnormal discharge – often related to bacterial vaginosis (BV). BiopHresh® Vaginal Homeopathic Suppository delivers effective relief right to the source of the problems by balancing your vaginal ecosystem back to normal levels and introducing beneficial probiotics that support vaginal health. BiopHresh uses a formula set in a base of the most prevalent strains of vaginal lactobacilli, helping to create an environment where those beneficial bacteria can thrive. Recommended anytime you feel symptoms, particularly after a period, before or after sex, or for relief from occasional dryness.
Dose Size: 1 Capsule
Doses Per Container: 10
Amount Per Serving | Total Probiotic Count: 5 Billion Viable Cells (Minimum)++
Active Ingredients (per dose): Kreosotum 6C HPUS, Nitricum Acidum 6C HPUS, Thuja Occidentalis 6C HPUS, Pulsatilla Vulgaris 6C HPUS, Sepia Officinalis 6C HPUS*.
*HPUS indicates the active ingredients are in the official Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States.
Inactive Ingredients: Ascorbic Acid, Gelatin, Lactobacillus crispatus, Lactobacillus acidophilus LA02, LCR01, Lactobacillus gasseri LGS06, Lactobacillus fermentum LF08, Lactobacillus plantarum LP01, Lactobacillus rhamnosis LR06, Lactobacillus salivarius CRL1328, Maltodextrin, Tapioca starch.
Free of major allergens. No wheat, gluten, soybeans, dairy, egg, fish/shellfish, peanuts, or tree nuts.
**Minimum 5 billion viable cells at time of consumption, under recommended storage conditions and within Best Used Before date.
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